The Importance And Benefits Of Reciting Ayatul Kursi That Every Muslim Needs To Know

Quran Academy Online
6 min readApr 21, 2020


Importance And Benefits Of Reciting Ayatul Kursi

Why is that Ayatul Kursi the most famous of all the verses?

The Ayatul Kursi means Verse of the Seat i.e. Seat of Power. Every King rules from his seat of power and that’s his power base. So does Allah therefore He uses the term ‘Kursi’ meaning Chair or Seat as it represents His power base from where He rules entire creation. This verse mentions how and in what ways the eternal power of God is spread throughout the heavens and the earth and how entire creation is taken care of through that. Each part of this verse is an expression of His greatness, glory, and power:

Ayatul Kursi — The Power and Importance of reciting

GOD — there is no deity save Him, the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsistent Fount of All Being.

…meaning Allah is the only true God and He is ever-living, did not come into being later or had a beginning and He is Al Hayyul Qayyum i.e. Ever living and self-sufficient while all are dependent and sustained through Him.

Neither slumber overtakes Him, nor sleep.

…all creation rests or sleeps except Him, every King who rules takes rest and sleep but He is a King who does not at all, never has and never will.

Powerful Surah in the Quran

His is all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth

…since He is the One truly sustaining everything without any sort of slumber or sleep touching Him then it all truly belongs to Him without partners.

Who is there that could intercede with Him, unless it is by His leave?

…the intercessors that mankind has always sought among His human beings and creations such as the spiritual powers or saints or Prophets or any sort of being that they may have in their mind to whom they’ve ever assigned any sort of divine power is all lost since they are not allowed unless He wills. Even if they were then how do we know? Since there is no way of knowing then its best to turn to One Who controls everything.

He knows all that lies open before men and all that is hidden from them

…the supposed intercessors that they may have in mind have no knowledge of each individual such as his or her’s past, future, and present. He is the only one Who knows past, present, and future of all then it is only Him you can turn to for all your issues and problems and assistance and needs and wishes. Your trust should only be in Him.

whereas they cannot attain to anything of His knowledge save that which He wills

..even if He were to grant His chosen one’s i.e. Prophets & Saints or anyone else, some hidden knowledge of mysteries then it is only Him Who gave them and they could not have gotten except through Him therefore He is the Key to all knowledge, therefore, know this fact that He is the source of all knowledge that exists.

Recite Ayatul Kursi

His eternal power (Kursi) overspreads the heavens and the earth, and their upholding wearies Him not. And he alone is truly exalted, tremendous.

This is how His governing power is with which rules the entire Universe and since He never sleeps nor slumber then we might think He must be getting tired at least? Well… no, He does not even get tired and that is why He is the only whose Alee’ ul (Truly Exalted) Azeeem (Tremendous).

This is my understanding of why I believe it is one of the special verses of the Quran. Neverthless the Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wassallam) himself taught us that this Verse is the greatest in the Quran Surah. Messenger of Allah said: “For everything, there is a hump (pinnacle) and the hump (pinnacle) of the Qur’an is Surat Al-Baqarah, in it, there is an Ayah which is the master of the Ayat in the Qur’an; [it is] Ayat Al-Kursi.”(Jami Tirmidhi)

Another reason why this verse is considered as the Prophet called it ‘Master of all ayahs’ because it includes the Ism Al-Aza’am which means The Greatest Name or Quality of Allah which is Al Hayyul Qayyum which means Everliving, the Self-subsisting by Whom all subsist. This name He has taught His creation to invoke Him by as He says…(Al Quran 17:10) …Call on God, or on the Lord of Mercy- whatever names you call Him, the best names belong to Him

Surah Al-Baqarah (The Chapter of the Cow)

The Importance of Surah Mulk

Surah Mulk is the 67th surah in the Quran. It consists of 30 verses, and in most copies of the mushaf, it is around 2.5 pages long. In this surah, Allah focuses on the need to give the message of Islam to disbelievers. However, He also specifies that no one can impose their will on them. Additionally, He mentions the reward for believers in the afterlife as well as the punishments for disbelievers. Allah revealed this surah during the pre-migration period of the early Muslims in Makkah.

Reasons to recite Surah Mulk

Besides the fact that it is one of the surahs in the Quran, there are many additional reasons to recite Surah Mulk regularly. The early generations of Muslims recorded many Hadith on this topic that shows the benefits of Surah Mulk.

In another Hadith, Muhammad (PBUH) mentioned that there is a surah in the Quran with 30 verses. He said that the surah would defend whoever recites it until Allah allowed the person to enter paradise.

Hadith captures the most significant Reciting Benefit of Surah Yaseen, Surah Waqiah, and Surah Milk. The Prophet (PBUH) said that the surah protects people from the torment of the grave. Muslims must be aware that when they die, another trial begins. This is the trial of the grave, and the level of the torment depends on how the person lived on earth. If he sinned a lot and committed evil deeds, then he will face a harsher trial.

The punishment of the grave is something that we must accept, but we can’t imagine. Once a person is dead, they have no more presence on this earth, and we must bury them. We can’t imagine the nature of the torment, which is why it’s so frightful for some people. Thus, we should recite Surah Mulk in Arabic often to save ourselves from this trial.

Surah Mulk Recitation

According to a Hadith, Surah Mulk serves as protection against the torment of the grave if we recite it every night. Therefore, it is highly recommended to recite this short surah as often as possible. We can recite it after the Maghrib prayer since that is when night starts, and we can recite it until Fajr, which is when the night ends.

To make things easier, we should memorize Surah Mulk. Consisting of 30 verses, it is a relatively short surah that is quite easy to memorize. Once we do that, we don’t have to physically pick up the Quran to read it every day, or even be in a state of wudu. You can take online Quran classes for memorization to help you memorize, or you can even do it on your own. It is around 2.5 pages long; if you learn half a page every day, you can complete it in just five days! Then, start reciting Surah Mulk for maximum benefit and reward.

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