ecitation of the Chapters Holy Qur’an with the help of Professional Tutors

Quran Academy Online
6 min readJul 17, 2020


Recitation of the Chapters Holy Qur’an with the help of Professional Tutors

It has special meaning until Allah SWT made it become one special surah to be read. It is a remainder surah to all humankind about the forgotten of abundant bounties that Allah SWT gave. The theme of this surah is about the biggest bounty of Allah SWT which is Al-Qur’an. Thabathaba’i said that Ar-Rahman contains about all creatures of Allah SWT which consist of the earth and the sky, the land and the sea, human and demon, whereas Allah SWT arranging all those creatures into one cycle so it has benefit to all human and demon both in the world and hereafter.

Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud (radiAllahu anhu) reported that the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said,’Everything has an adornment, and the adornment of the Qur’an is Surah ar Rahman’

[Bayhaqi in Shuab al Eiman]

Surah Rahman's Rewards and its Important Benefits are some of the essential chapters of the Holy Quran. It is the 55th chapter of the holy text of the Quran, comprised of 78 verses.

The revelation of this Surah is in Makkah. The name of this Surah was taken from inside this Surah. The content of this Surah is based on different things; for example, It chastises humans and Jinns due to various blessings of Allah almighty. It also reminds them of the blessings of the Holy Quran, which is the source of guidance. It also discusses the punishments and the rewards which the believers will be entitled to.

The very first word and the name of this surah are “Al- Rehman” Rehman is also one of the 99 names of Almighty Allah. It means the most merciful. The surah starts with the same word and the name of the surah is also Surah e Rehman.

There are different benefits and virtues of reciting Surah Rahman. Some of them are below.

1. Source of emotional healing

The holy book of the Quran is the text, which has several benefits and virtues. Each Surah of the Quran has its own importance, which is second to none. Similarly, Surah Rahman is one of the Surah, which has several benefits; for example, it is the source of great emotional healing. When we badly exhaust with our different hard tasks, we need emotional healing. Surah Rahman is one of the best options for emotional healings.

2. Shield against different diseases

The holy Quran also heals us from different harmful diseases. Each chapter of the Quran has its own importance regarding health. Similarly, Surah Rahman acts like a shield against various diseases. For example, it saves us from harmful and deadly diseases, for example, cancer, HIV, Hepatitis, and different other disorders. Sometimes, we cannot get cured of these diseases by our doctors and specialists. It especially then acts as a healer. We should regularly recite our elders because they are often prone to illness. So, it is the best option to recite Surah Rahman in order to get rid of these diseases.

3. The solution to marriage problems

Marriage problems are one of the significant issues which we face in our life as parents. Particularly, when the problems related to the marriage of the daughter, it often becomes hard on our parents. Wazifa of Surah Rahman is one of the great Wazifa which we do for our marriage problem. The method of doing Wazifa is that first, we should recite Darood Shrief 11 times, then we should recite Surah Rahman, again we should recite Darood Sharief 11 times. It is constantly continued 11 days regularly.

4. Solution of problems

One of the significant characteristics of the text of the Holy Quran is that it presents the solution to the problems. There are different wazifa which are used to solve the problems. We should recite this Surah separately to get our problems solved.

So, there are different other benefits of reciting Surah Rahman; we should recite it regularly because it is short and also easy to learn. It is up to us how much we get benefits from reciting and memorizing this Surah.

Surah Rahman’s Rewards and its Important Benefits

Way of Learning Quran through Online Quran Academy

Learning the Quran is of more importance now than ever. Most Muslim majority countries are facing many problems, including weak economies. This means that many Muslims are always in awe of the West and their advancements.

The more traditional offline method is to teach the Quran to students at Quran institutions or in mosques. The modern and technology-based online method is to teach the Quran online. This method is ideal in many situations and is also growing fast due to the many advantages it offers in comparison with traditional methods.

Traditional Quran teaching

This is the method of Quran teaching and Quran Teachers that has been common over the ages and has mostly been utilized for most of the past 1,400 years. With this teaching method, students go to either a Quran learning institution or a mosque. This is where online Quran teachers usually impart their knowledge to students.

Advanced online Quran teaching

Online Quran teaching is fast becoming the most popular Quran teaching method. It offers immense convenience to students as well as teachers. Teaching and learning Online Quran Academy from home completely remove the aspect of travel and having to go from place to place. With classes being held online entirely, time is no barrier. Students can study at the time that suits them, and teachers can also teach whenever it’s suitable for them.

The teacher must show the student the importance of the Online Quran Academy and why Allah’s word must be obeyed at any cost. It is not only a book to read or memorize, but it contains teaching that all Muslims must try and implement in their day to day lives. Teachers can play an important role in the overall development of their students.

Just because you have your teacher calling you in the comfort of your own home, this does not mean you can get too comfortable. Religious knowledge is the inheritance left to us by the Prophet ṣallallāhu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him). Prepare yourself to receive it in a noble manner.

Prophet Muhammad ṣallallāhu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said, “There are two blessings which many people lose: health and free time for doing good.” [Sahih Bukhari]

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it.”

popular Quran teaching

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Recite (and study) the Qur’an as long as you agree about its interpretation, but if you have any difference of opinion (as regards to its interpretation and meaning) then you should stop reciting it (for the time being).

All these Hadith show us that Allah placed immense emphasis on gaining knowledge (Quran Learning And Recitation Online Quran Academy). It was due to this that Quran teachers have always been so highly valued in Islam and amongst Muslims. May Allah bless us all with the best teachers and also provide us with the ability to teach others.

Study with online Quran teachers now

If we investigate the early days of Islam, we will find that people traveled great distances to gain and give knowledge. However, now we have the technological era where things are much simpler. With everything on our fingertips, we have no excuse not to study the Quran.

Study with online Quran teachers now

The tutors at are suited toward teaching any of the Quran courses on offer. That includes the Quran reading for beginners, Tajweed & Tarteel, and the basics of Arabic. They can handle more advanced aspects such as memorization and translation with ease.

The high level of competition for Online Quran teaching roles helps us to ensure a high degree of quality in terms of teachers we hire. They also undergo rigorous training and background checks to help us to ensure that Professional and Best quality tutors in Quran Academy Online.



Quran Academy Online
Quran Academy Online

Written by Quran Academy Online

Quran for kids is an Online Quran Academy in the USA and Uk Here you can Learn, Read and listen Quran online with Tajweed for kids, women, and adults.

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